Ponzis are dangerous. Still, people join them, because of the lure of quick bucks. And yes, they do pay... for a while, and not everyone gets a slice of the pie.
When you gamble in ponzis, you've got to know when to cut your losses.
Most ponzis last less than a week, although a few good ones (not good ethically, but they've got a killer publicist) last as long as 3-6 months.
What I really hate, are all these scammers calling themselves HYIPs when they are basically ponzis. Just ONCE, I'll like to see a ponzi with some REAL honest information.
xxx-ponzi is founded by a group of ponzi MLM experts. We are devoted to distributing your money to our various e-gold accounts. You can be certain that your investment will be handled by a group of qualified con artists. With us, the online investors can share in the experience of losing their life savings. xxx-ponzi is a short term high loss private loan program, NOT backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. We however do a lot of online betting for kicks at your expense.
Customer support is non-existent.
What are you waiting for? Give us your money now. Now Dammit!
Following my recent articles, '
Are HYIPs worth the risk?' and '
HYIP Strategy for the Cautious', I decided to share my recent ponzi 'adventure' with the online community.
My ponzi gambling attempts thus far...(note: 5 of the 7 ponzis listed are now defunct, within the space of 3 weeks!)
Spent $11, earned $20.46, e-gold Fees $0.61, Profit/Loss +$8.85
Spent $1, earned $1.45, e-gold Fees $0.09, Profit/Loss +$0.36
Spent $1, earned $0, e-gold fees $0, Profit/Loss -$1
RushHYIP (This one closed down within THREE days!)
Spent $7, earned $2, e-gold fees $0.09, Profit/Loss -$5.09
Spent $3, earned $5, e-gold Fees $0.21, Profit/Loss +$1.79
Spent $3, earned $3.89, e-gold Fees $0.17, Profit/Loss +$0.62
Spent $2.12, earned $1.32, e-gold fees $0.07, Profit/Loss PENDING (StormPay)
Final Tally = +8.85+0.36-1-5.09+1.79+0.62 = $5.53Total Spent = $35.12
% profit = 5.53/35.12 = 15.7%
This was over a period of 3 weeks.
monthly profit (potential) ~ 21%
Now, it will be foolish to believe that this sort of results can be repeated with larger amounts of money. Lots of factors to consider:
1. The site may close down before you withdraw your initial spend.
2. Since it is basically a gamble, it's a matter of luck which ponzi you pick.
3. Greed sets in, and you forget to stick to a plan.
Update 11 Feb 2006Please note that all of the above sites have since gone offline. Ponzis are risky, ponzis are illegal (in many countries), ponzis should never be treated as investment opportunities.