-- Begin B GPT Insanity: Stormpay Account Suspended


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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Stormpay Account Suspended

Oh look! My Stormpay account got suspended. Finally. Yes, It is true that I had an account balance of -$5.36. And it was an unverified account, because I didn't trust Stormpay enough to give them my bank account details.
But, I didn't bring my account into the red. They did. With a chargeback.

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I wonder how many accounts are in a similar boat because of Stormpay chargebacks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thousands of people were "charged back" by stormpay. I know someone who invested in a hyip, "hyipheaven" a long time ago. The money he made in there has set in his stormpay account for 6 months. That company has been down the tubes and out of business since and just 4 days ago, guess what? Stormpay charged it back to them! Incredible! That company doesn't even exist anymore! WTF? Right? Also several of my family members got chargebacks because of 12 daily pro, but Stormpay took money that didn't even have anything to do with 12 daily pro, they even took the money we earned from stormclix!! If stormpay doesn't get fried by the FBI too, then there is no justice!

3/07/2006 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stormpay will get away with our money just like Bryan Marsden and PIPS.

3/08/2006 07:54:00 AM  

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